
Turn Your Twitter Message Into A Tweet Ring

Amsterdam based start-up Alphabeth.com has introduced something that every Twitter user surely needs, Tweet Rings.

“Some Tweets should last forever because they mark a special moment in your life or express your personal motto,” the company says.

“Perhaps your favorite message is just so beautiful that you want to carry it with you.” Perhaps.

Users can pick their favorite Twitter message or write their own message on tweet-rings.com. As long as it fits the maximum length of 140 characters per side: for example, place your tweet on one side and the sender, date and time on the other.




Tweet-rings are available in stainless steel, silver and titanium, ranging in price from $120 (euro 89) to $147 (euro 109). Delivery is free to over 50 countries, with a guaranteed 30-day return policy.

This could be the best product for Twitter users since Mattel introduced Puppy Tweets.