
Tumblr Now Lets You Make GIFs from Your Webcam

Tumblr has just announced a new feature that should greatly expand the amount of self-focused content that appears on the Tumblr blogs you follow – or at least make the GIF-happy site even more GIF-happy.

Starting today, you can make quick GIFs with your webcam. All you have to do is click “take a photo” and hit the “GIF” button. And there you have it – instant GIFs. Here’s what you’ll see after you select “take a photo” and it brings up your webcam view:

As of right now, this functionality is only available on Chrome and Firefox v20 and beyond.

If you don’t see this feature taking over Tumblr, then you don’t really know Tumblr. It’s not like people couldn’t post GIFs of themselves before, but an inline method for doing so makes things a whole lot easier.

Tumblr didn’t say if and when the GIF-making button will come to their various mobile apps, but if/when that happens it’ll be a pretty big deal.

In other Tumblr news, earlier today the company instructed all iOS users to change their passwords a shipped an app update with a security fix inside.