
Tumblr Android App Now Supports Tablets

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Social networks that sprung up and became popular before the mobile boom are now working to move onto mobile. One such service is tumblr and its mobile presence just got a little stronger on Android.

Tumblr announced today that it has released an update for its Android app that adds compatibility for tablets. Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 users can rejoice as they can update their blogs straight from their mobile devices. It’s assumed that the app will also work with a variety of Android tablets from Samsung, Acer and Lenovo. As for other changes, the updated app brings a new Following screen and a few design updates.

Tumblr Android App Now Supports Tablets

While Android tablet owners can now have an optimized Tumblr experience, iPad owners are left out in the cold. Tumblr on iOS is still only available for iPhone and iPod Touch. Sure, the app will work on an iPad, but it’s not been optimized.

That being said, an iPad app should be available soon. It would be a little strange to only release tablet optimization for Android and not the iPad. There are too many “artists” who frequent Tumblr via iOS to ignore that part of the user population. At this point, however, you should probably hope that a Christmas miracle gets that iPad app out before the end of the year.

Android users can grab the latest update to the Tumblr app from Google Play right now. Those who use Tumblr on their Android phones will want to update as well for the new Following screen and small design updates.

[h/t: The Next Web]