
Tom Hanks Reveals He Has Type 2 Diabetes

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Tom Hanks sat down with David Letterman recently for an interview and to promote “Captain Phillips”, and revealed that he’s currently battling Type 2 diabetes.

The actor/director says he’s lost some weight, but he’s still not where his doctor would like him to be.

“My doctor said, “Look, if you can weigh as much as you did in high school, you will essentially be completely healthy and not have type 2 diabetes,” Hanks said. “And I said, “Well then I’m going to have type 2 diabetes, because there’s no way I’ll weigh as much as I did in high school.”

Hanks is on a special diet, however, and says he’s able to control his high blood sugar that way rather than having to take insulin. “Captain Phillips” opens in theaters October 11.

Image: YouTube