
Tina Fey: “No Way” Is She Hosting Next Oscars

Tina Fey may seem like the perfect choice to host the 2014 Academy Awards after her much-talked about and adored stint at the Golden Globes (with partner in crime Amy Poehler), but she says it’s just not going to happen.

Whether it’s the pressure of having the eyes of the world judging or the fact that Seth MacFarlane got blasted by just about every major–and minor–media source after his hosting gig this past weekend, Fey isn’t saying. But she has made it clear she doesn’t want the job, no matter what William Shatner thinks.

“It’s an honor to be ‘Shatnered’, but I just feel like that gig is so hard,” she said. “Especially for, like, a woman — the amount of months that would be spent trying on dresses alone . . . No way.”

Indeed, no matter how funny or likable a host may be, they do have to abide by Academy rules when it comes to the night’s jokes, something MacFarlane learned this year. And even though they approved his bits, he got quite a bit of backlash for the opening number, “We Saw Your Boobs”, and several sexist comments he made about various females in the audience throughout the night.

For now, there’s no word on just who will be hosting next year’s show, but let’s hope for Oscar’s sake that it’s someone good, like Will Ferrell. The show certainly could use an injection of energy and silly fun that’s actually funny.