
Tim Tebow To Play For Orlando Predators? Owner David Siegel Wants An Answer

Football Player turned ESPN Host, Tim Tebow, has had a public offer to return to professional football. It’s not an NFL team that wants him, but the Arena Football League team known as the Orlando Predators.

David Siegel, owner of the team and CEO of Westgate Resorts, made an announcement that he wants Tebow to come play for him. “If anyone knows Tim Tebow, tell him to call me,” He told the Orlando Sentinel, “The team number is 844-455-PRED.”

Siegel isn’t after Tebow exclusively. He claims he has other big name players on his radar. The comment concerning Tebow was made at a news conference at the Orlando Amway Center, where he was introduced as the team’s new owner.

Will the Heisman-winning quarterback give Siegel a call? If he does, his contract for ESPN does have an out clause in case an offer piques his interest.

Rumors that Tebow will return to pro football have been circulating for a long time. Back in March, Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer said Tebow was working his way back into the NFL. The same month, the A11 Football League gave him an offer, which Tebow ignored.

But he may have his eyes set on the NFL. “I’m training every day and feel like I’m the best that I’ve ever been,” Tebow said. “I still love it, love playing, talking about it, and I’m just excited about whatever the future holds. Who knows what could happen? But I’m excited about it, though.”

Meanwhile, Tebow bought a home not too far away from Orlando in Jacksonville, Florida for 1.4 million dollars. His new neighbors were quite pleased. “I think he’s great. I think he’s what Jacksonville needs,” One of them, Gwen Peterson, said. Another, Brian Petty, offered his take on the move: “I’m just happy he’s back in Florida. I think he’s a great individual. He adds a lot to the community here. I think he’ll be a great leader.”

Image via WESH 2 News, YouTube