
Tilda Swinton Honored at MoMA on 53rd Birthday

Until Tuesday night, actress Tilda Swinton hadn’t had a birthday party since she was nine years-old. But her 53rd birthday fête at the Museum of Modern Art changed all of that.

“We had a trampoline,” Swinton said of her ninth birthday party. “But who knew that 53 would top even that?”

The star-studded guest list included Jessica Biel, David Bowie, designer Karl Lagerfeld, director Sofia Coppola, and Vogue editor Anna Wintour. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg forwent watching election results to honor Swinton, saying: ” … later on, whoever wins, I’m going to call them and congratulate them.”

Ralph Fiennes, who co-stars with Swinton in the forthcoming Grand Budapest Hotel, co-chaired the event. Wes Anderson, who directs the movie and also directed Swinton in Moonrise Kingdom, said in a statement read by Fiennes that Swinton is “almost the color of a cloud … Yet everything pales beside her.”

Another of Swinton’s directors attended the MoMA event to celebrate her birthday. Bong Joon-ho directed Swinton in the upcoming Snowpiercer. He sang Swinton’s praises and told the crowd how, in atypical Hollywood style, she actually asked to look uglier for her role in the film, demanding false teeth, a “piggy” nose, and sagging breasts.

New Zealand singer-songwriter Lorde performed at the event:

At one point during the evening, a montage of Swinton’s work was shown, featuring clips from Orlando, Burn After Reading, and Michael Clayton. Swinton received an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her work in Michael Clayton.

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