
Thor: The Dark World Gets A Mobile Game Tie-In

Since the beginning of the games industry, the console market has been flooded every summer with cheap movie tie-ins. That all changed a few years ago as the market for those kind of games collapsed. Movie studios ever eager to make a quick buck off of clueless parents then turned to mobile, and almost every major Hollywood blockbuster now has its very own mobile game.

I open with that only to warn you that Marvel’s latest cinematic effort – Thor: The Dark World – will be getting its own mobile game from Gameloft. In a perfect world, a character like Thor would receive a near perfect game that plays like Batman: Arkham Asylum in which he beats down baddies left and right with his mighty hammer. Instead, we get this:

What is going on in that trailer? Is it an action RPG like Diablo, or is it a MOBA like League of Legends? The Gameloft press release doesn’t really say. All we know is that players will take on the role of Thor and lead a group of warriors against the invading dark elf forces in over 100 missions.

Oh, and the game will incorporate social elements as well as microtransactions. In other words, you’ll have to beg friends for help if you want to progress, or you can buy your way to victory. The only real redeeming feature here is that the game was apparently written by Thor: The Dark World screenwriter Christopher Yost.

If you want to give it a shot, the mobile tie-in to this November’s Thor: The Dark World will be available on iOS and Android alongside the theatrical debut.

[Image: GamesNewsOfficial/YouTube]