
This Is What You’ll Get If You Buy A PS4 This Year

The PS4 launch is still a few months away, and as such, there are still a few mysteries about the console. What’s the full launch lineup going to look like? What accessories will Sony and third parties have available at launch? What will Sony pack in? The two former questions will have to wait, but the latter was answered today.

We got out first real look at what will be packed in with the PS4 later this year in a press shot that’s been making the rounds on the Internet today. Remember that $400 price tag? Turns out the low price means that we’re not going to get much in the base package:

This Is What You'll Get If You A PS4 This Year

As you can see, the PS4 will ship with the console itself, one DualShock 4, a HDMI cable, a power cord, a USB cable for the DualShock 4 and the prerequisite manual telling you not to dump water on the thing.

Now, the interesting pack in are the earbuds. They will act as your mic as they plug directly into the controller. It’s no headset, but it’s nice gesture on Sony’s part to pack in some form of communication device after neglecting to do so on the PS3. Now maybe every multiplayer match on the PS4 won’t be dead silence outside of the game itself.

We could look at the pack ins for the Xbox One for comparison’s sake, but we don’t know the full picture yet. My bet is that it’s going to be similar. The only real difference is that the Xbox One won’t pack in a headset like the Xbox 360 did at its launch. That’s a little unfortunate, but the Xbox One’s headset will probably be pretty cheap. It will also be a real headset, unlike Sony’s earbud solution.

Still, it looks like Sony isn’t packing in much to make sure it hits that $400 price tag. In fact, IGN reports that Sony was going to include the new PlayStation Eye with every PS4 sold at first, but decided against it to make sure it could undercut Microsoft at E3.

[h/t: TheGrimOfDeath via Reddit]