
The ‘Red Wedding’ Did Commandeer the Internet, It Wasn’t Just Your Feeds

It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen a cohesive social media freakout as widespread as the one that occurred right after last Sunday’s breathtaking episode of Game of Thrones. You know what happened. All that crazy stuff happened. It hit me in the feels. I think it actually took me a couple of days to recover. After Sunday, readers of the George R.R. Martin books that inspired the series and sole show-watchers can both wallow in the misery that is the Red Wedding.

If you thought that the entirety of Facebook and Twitter was devoted to Game of Thrones reactions, well, you’re right. It was.

HBO has shared some figures with Mashable and guess what? Episode 9, “The Rains of Castamere,” was the most social episode in the history of HBO programming.

With over 700,000 mentions in the 24 hours-or-so following the episode, it topped the previous record-holders – the season 3 premiere of Game of Thrones and the season 5 premiere of True Blood.

HBO says that social volume increased 44% during the episode as compared to the season 3 premiere.

I knew I was watching some great moment in TV history on Sunday night, and apparently plenty of other felt the same way. Or maybe it was just people taking to Facebook, Twitter, and blogs to vent. HOW COULD YOU, HBO, HOW COULD YOU!?

[Spoilers below]