
The Facebook Beast Ingests 500+ TB of Data Every Day

If Facebook’s underperforming stock value has made you think that the social media giant is withering away into nothingness, think again. The network is still a well-oiled machine, a beast of data processing that has some impressive numbers to back it up. And a top-level Facebook engineer has just revealed much of the extent of it.

Jay Parikh, Facebook’s VP of infrastructure engineering recently gave us a look into the massive amount of data that the company has to deal with on a daily basis. And it’s a metric sh*t-ton.

In total, Facebook “ingests” 500+ TB of new data daily.

This includes everything that makes Facebook function flawlessly (sometimes) for the user- likes, photos, comments, and even something like a friend request.

And get this: Facebook is now seeing 300 million photo uploads a day. Not only that, but users are clicking the “like” button 2.7 billion times each day as well as sharing some sort of content 2.5 billion times. This is roughly 3 likes per day, per user, and about 1 photo upload every three days per user.

Most of the data for Facebook is stored in one cluster of over 100 petabytes, Parikh explained.

Facebook's big data

Facebook is approaching 1 billion monthly active users, and all of those users are giving the engineering team at the company a lot of work to do. There are still more things about Facebook’s data intake that I’d like to know, but this is a good taste of everything that goes into the biggest social network in the world.

[via CNET]