
The Django Unchained Trailer Hits the Web

The initial trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming Django Unchained has hit the Internet, and let’s just that, after one viewing, my hype meter is off the charts. So much so, in fact, it may just render the rest of the summer movie season as meaningless, and that’s with no offense to Christopher Nolan, Ridley Scott, or Andrew Garfield.

For me, Tarantino’s movies are of the definition of appointment viewing, and it looks like Django Unchained will continue Tarantino’s impressive streak. Starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, and Leonardo DiCaprio, among others, the expectations for Django Unchained are very high. With that in mind, the first trailer just absolutely delivers, which undoubtedly increases the expectation level that much more.

Check it out and see for yourself:

It should be noted that the new trailer didn’t escape Twitter’s gaze before it was pulled (see update below), and it appears as if the hype for Tarantino’s latest is going to be off the charts when the movie opens:

Django Unchained trailer! Yesssssssssssss.
2 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Oh yeah! Django Unchained, watch this trailer while I change my pants http://t.co/a0seylzS
3 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Some, however, are choosing to wait until Fandango gets it. Um, what?

Refusing to watch Django Unchained trailer til it hits @Fandango — keeping tabs on the rest #virtualhitman
5 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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Not sure why that is… Anyway, some were apparently confused about the fact that a Tarantino movie looks, well, like a Tarantino movie:

Got a bit of a hard on for Django Unchained now. Trailer is a bit too “Tarantino” though, hopefully the film is less so http://t.co/PL2YXLVN
3 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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What, exactly, were you expecting? For it to look like a Spielberg movie? Anyway, the trailer is here for you to enjoy, unless, of course, you’re waiting for Fandango to post it.

Update: Well, that was fast. The trailer’s already been pulled because Columbia Pictures and the Weinstein Company doesn’t quite get how the Internet works and both are actively trying to put the genie back in the bottle. With that in mind, here’s the sigh-worthy trailer for the trailer:

Sigh, Entertainment Tonight’s voiceover work just makes everything worse.

Update 2: The genie is still out of the bottle, folks:

Update 3: I wonder if the Weinsteins/Columbia Pictures feel a sense of satisfaction for delaying the inevitable by an entire 24 hours…

[Full trailer via SlashFilm and TheFilmStage]