
Terry Crews Pitches His New Show. F-ck, Yeah!

No matter what else he ever does in this world, Terry Crews will always be President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion. You can’t take that away from him.

But Crews has moved on to other roles, including Bridesmaids, The Newsroom, and most recently Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Now Crews is launching into another project, this one called World’s Funniest Fails. Crews explains how he landed the show.

I was headed into a holiday and I was working in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and I get this call from my agent and they’re like, ‘Man, there’s this show that’s unbelievable. It’s called World’s Funniest Fails.’ I said, ‘To be a part of this every week with the whole of America, I can’t turn it down.’ I said, ‘We got to make time for this show to happen.’ And I said, ‘You got me. You had me at hello.’”

Well, that certainly is enthusiastic. But what is the show about?

“What they basically do is they watch clips on YouTube of all this failure stuff and I’m like, ‘Holy cow.’ My wife and kids, we sit there and watch this stuff all day. You get caught in a rabbit hole.vOnce you play one video, you just keep going. There are times that I’ve missed appointments because I can’t stop because you go from one to the other, and my family, we crack up.”

“My kids, the 16 year old in my house, she’s my namesake. Her name is Tara. She’s the one that pulls me to the side and always say, ‘Dad, you got to watch this. Look what happens to this guy.’ We crack up. I’m in tears. And I said, ‘I have to do this because it’s a family show.’ I just remembered having the good family time that me and my wife all the way down to the little ones. My son is nine, and we’re crying laughing and he’s like, ‘Play it again; play it again.’”

So, it’s kind of like a Tosh.0, then? But child-safe? Like watching YouTube with your kids in the room?

Why not just watch YouTube with your kids in the room?

Here you go. No charge.