
Teradata Integrates Real-Time SAP ERP Data Into Analytics

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Big data analytics and marketing application provider Teradata announced that its product Teradata Analytics for SAP Solutions can now infuse data from SAP ERP applications into enterprise analytic and reporting applications in near real time.

According to the company, this will enable organizations to unlock additional business value that’s hidden within their ERP applications. It does so by automatically capturing and delivering current data from SAP ERP applications, and combining it with non-SAP data stored in an integrated data warehouse. Teradata says this enables a wider group of users to leverage its in-database processing at in-memory speeds for reporting, ad-hoc analysis, and advanced analytics.

Teradata presdient Scott Gnau said, “Teradata Analytics for SAP Solutions is a fast, ready-to-use solution that can be deployed in a matter of weeks to support more agile data-driven business decisions. By providing access to integrated data in near real-time we’re enabling our customers to make data from SAP ERP applications usable for business intelligence across the enterprise.”

“Once all data is integrated within the Teradata IDW, users can also take advantage of over 150 out-of-the-box Teradata Analytics for SAP Solutions dashboards and standardized business reports in key categories that include financial accounting, spending analysis, and manufacturing operations,” the company explains. “Users also have access to more than 1,000 SAS Institute, Fuzzy Logix, and R in-database analytic functions that run at in-memory speed. In addition, users have self-service access to all of the detailed data in the warehouse to create custom reports and apply analytics with their favorite tools.”

Teradata Analytics for SAP Solutions is currently available, and is compatible with Teradata Database 13.10 and higher.