
Tearaway Gets A Community Site Dedicated To Papercraft

Media Molecule revolutionized user created content with LittleBigPlanet by offering players the tools required to make their own levels. With its next game, Tearaway, the studio wants to change the meaning of user created content.

In the latest trailer for Tearaway, the team announced that it will be opening a new community portal at tearaway.me. The team notes that everything in Tearaway can be made from a single sheet of paper, and that the site will be used to encourage players to make the things they see in-game. The site can also be used to share your own papercraft plans with other players around the world.

LittleBigPlanet encouraged all of us to be more creative and think outside the box when it came to game and level design. Now Tearaway is looking to do the same thing, but with physical objects. Papercraft has been popular with gamers for a while now, and this game may just get more people into one of the most unique craft hobbies on the planet.

Tearaway launches November 22 exclusively for the PS Vita.

[Image: PlayStation/YouTube]