
Tag: Videos

  • Thanksgiving Costs, Google & Jetpacks

    Today’s video round-up features a couple of Google-related videos (as usual), as well as an awesome jetpack, a world record wave surfing, a new kind of phone system, and much more.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    How to get more women in tech:

    A new kind of phone system:

    A history of the sky:

    Google’s code-in contest:

    Google mobilizing mobile:


    Thanksgiving Costs (NMA Style):

    Big Wave:

    Bigger Wave:

    Chris Brogan reviews the Kindle Fire:

  • Galaxy Nexus, Skype & Moustaches

    Today’s video round-up shares a few looks at the Galaxy Nexus phone, as well as some Movember-related moustache videos. Plus Skype for Windows now has Facebook integration.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Galaxy Nexus: Calling All:

    Galaxy Nexus:

    Google celebrates LEO, the world’s first business computer. They shared this video on the official blog today:

    Skype for Windows gets Facebook integration:

    The Nautilus Aperture Door:

    The Nautilus Aperture Door from Almost Scientific on Vimeo.

    A Time-lapse project:

    The YouTube blog provides a “mid-Movember check-in” sharing various moustache videos:

  • SOPA, Google X & New Rebecca Black

    SOPA, Google X & New Rebecca Black

    Today’s video round-up features the Vice President discussing SOPA, and Next Media Animation discussing Google X (Google’s top secret robot lab). And I know you’ve just been dying to see more Rebecca Black videos.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Vice President Joe Biden talks about Internet Freedom:

    Next Media Animation takes on Google X:

    New Rebecca Black. It’s amazing as you think:

    Finally, a robotic bear pillow that tries to keep you from snoring:

    Siri argument:

    Shatner loves fried turkey:

    While my ukulele gently weeps:

    This guy was named “world’s worst person of the day” by The Daily What. It’s hard to really call this a “top video”, but people should see what an asshole this guy is.

    Two girls dressed like Super Mario Bros. playing its theme:

  • Holograms, Seminole Wind, and Forever Alone

    Holograms, Seminole Wind, and Forever Alone

    Today we have quite the odd mixture of videos for you… ranging from waterproofing anything to John Anderson. Enjoy.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Daily Double at its finest

    Waterproof… anything.

    I never want to hear “rhythmic slapping” ever again.

    And I Will Strike Down Upon Thee With Great Vengeance And Furious Anger

    Holograms. That is all.

    11/11/11 – Once in a lifetime

    Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three…

    Maher vs. Hasselbeck

    A day in the life of a Redditor

    Ever since the days of old, men would search for wealth untold…

  • Rex Ryan, Robots & Reading Rainbow

    Google has a top secret lab where it is doing top secret things with robots. Time will tell if this will lead to the extinction of the human race. In the meantime, here are some videos to enjoy for the day, and yes – some of them include robots.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Speaking of robots:

    And more robots:

    Jets coach Rex Ryan cusses at a fan after losing to the Patriots:

    Jimmy Fallon as Jim Morrison doing the Reading Rainbow song:

    An old Stephen Colbert commercial:

    This is just good:

    A time lapse view of Earth:

    Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.

    A world record:

    The Hunger Games trailer is being shared a lot today:

    App that tells you where police radars are:

    The most annoying sound in the world:

  • This Time Lapse Video Of Earth From Space Is Amazing

    Seriously, I don’t want to put your entire week on a downhill trajectory, but in terms of the sheer scope of this video – it’s probably the best thing you’ll see on the internet all week.

    Edited by Michael König, and compiled using images from NASA, this time lapse fly-over of the Earth provides five minutes of childlike amazement.

    The lime lapse sequences are courtesy of astronauts aboard the International Space Station, more specifically the crew of expeditions 28 & 29 operating from August to October 2011. The photographs were apparently taken with a special “low-light 4K-camera,” providing us with the stunning images of Earth as they fly past Auroras and over cities filled with light.

    There are quite a few awesome elements to this video, but in my opinion, it really doesn’t get much better than the incredible images of thunderstorms rippling throughout the clouds as the cameras pass. Truly amazing:

    Like I mentioned before, the images are courtesy of NASA – more specifically the Gateway to Astronaut Photography. That’s a program that hosts the most complete internet collection of pictures of the Earth from space. New photos are added to the database daily, and according to the site, it contains over 1.1 million views of the Earth (675K from the ISS).

    If you want to track the locations in the video, here’s a list provided by König of the various places, in order, from which he culled images:

    1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night
    2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night
    3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia
    4. Aurora Australis south of Australia
    5. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
    6. Aurora Australis from the Southern to the Northern Pacific Ocean
    7. Halfway around the World
    8. Night Pass over Central Africa and the Middle East
    9. Evening Pass over the Sahara Desert and the Middle East
    10. Pass over Canada and Central United States at Night
    11. Pass over Southern California to Hudson Bay
    12. Islands in the Philippine Sea at Night
    13. Pass over Eastern Asia to Philippine Sea and Guam
    14. Views of the Mideast at Night
    15. Night Pass over Mediterranean Sea
    16. Aurora Borealis and the United States at Night
    17. Aurora Australis over Indian Ocean
    18. Eastern Europe to Southeastern Asia at Night

    Can you spot any distinguishable features of Earth? What do you think of the time lapse images in general? Let us know in the comments.

  • Veterans Day, 11/11/11 & Catvertising

    Veterans Day, 11/11/11 & Catvertising

    Today’s video round-up includes a couple of tributes to our veterans, a couple nods to the whole 11/11/11 thing, and some other things that are being shared around.

    View more video round-ups here.

    Veterans Day 2011:


    Eleven heads on 11/11/11:

    Game deaths:


    Anaemia by LiteWerx:

    Slicing an image for Google+ scrapbook:

    Photographers vs. videographers:

  • 11/11/11 11:11:11, Crazy iPhone Lines & Rick Perry

    11/11/11 11:11:11, Crazy iPhone Lines & Rick Perry

    With tomorrow being 11/11/11, Wolfram Alpha takes a look at the number. Plus there are some other more gadget-related things, as well as a trending Rick Perry gaffe in today’s video round-up.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Wolfram Alpha on 11/11/11:

    Google’s into to ad serving:

    Mixel for iPad:

    Introducing Mixel for iPad from Mixel App on Vimeo.

    Scoble shared this video of the guy from Apture, which was just acquired by Google:

    iPhone 4S line in Hong Kong:

    Android Powered watch:

    Rick Perry’s “oops” moment has been getting a lot of attention:

    Dave Morin on Path:

    Waterproof tablet:

  • Google+ for Business, Siri & The Electoral College

    Today’s video round-up has some humor, some social, and some very interesting technology related to the iPhone.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    How the electoral college works:

    Chris Brogan talks Google+ for business, days before the launch of Google+ Pages:

    The Roast of HBO:

    Astronauts falling on the moon (hat tip to the Daily What http://tumblr.thedailywh.at/ ):

    Flying planes with an iPhone:

    Siri to Mac 512K:

    Google Maps Chrome to Phone:

    Scoble talks with Wikets, which simplifies social recommendations for iPhone:

  • Viral Content Can Be Tricky, But Awfully Rewarding

    Most, if not all content creators want their work to get noticed. Whether it’s on a viral basis or something more — full blown popularity — when it comes to the web content, having other people see and respond to your work is about all you can ask for. So what determines viral-worth content? What makes a picture/site page/video become a meme?

    This very topic was discussed by Robert Knorpp at the BlogWorld expo, and thanks to his presentation, we learn one of the biggest keys has to do with inspiring others to react. To drive this point home, Knorpp used to examples: Rebecca Black and the Volkswagen/Darth Vader Super Bowl commercial. Both pieces of content inspired a great deal of reaction, granted, not all of it was positive, but the reaction was the key to these videos living a long life, at least in relation to an Internet lifespan.

    From Knorpp’s perspective, the fact that both of these pieces inspired others to react was the key to their extended shelf life. Granted, a great deal of the reaction to Rebecca Black’s content was of the mocking variety, but the fact remains, such reactions are what directly led to her popularity.

    It’s almost like the Marilyn Manson approach to publicity, that is, no pub is bad pub.

    Of course, if the reaction concerns a product you are trying to sell, you don’t want the reaction to be in the vein of “this is the worst thing ever,” which comprised a great deal what Black’s videos had to face. With that in mind, the reaction of the Darth Vader/Volkswagen commercial is what web marketers should be shooting for, but then again, not everyone can get George Lucas’ approval to use his stuff in their commercials.

    To Knorpp, the key isn’t necessarily good content, but content that inspires others to react in a creative manner. The key is balance. Don’t just make a Rebecca Black style of video to promote a widget being sold, because if people actively hate the item, it’s doubtful they’ll be spending much money on it. That being said, good content is a great starting point, just be aware of the reaction it will inspire.

    Of course, because of the nature of viral popularity, the content creators have little to no control over the reaction they’ll be greeted with, so be aware of trends, both negative and positive, but at the same time, don’t just copy other people’s work. Create your own piece that’s worthy of becoming viral, or as Knorpp says, keep your audience in perspective when creating this type of content.

    For 5 years, WebProNews has partnered with BlogWorld and New Media Expo, the world’s first and largest new media conference, in an effort to broadcast how new media can grow your business, brand, and audience. Stay tuned to WebProNews for much more exclusive coverage.

  • Siri Gets High, Foursquare Pee Integration & A Creepy Robot

    We have quite the mix today. This includes a comical look at Siri, a new (yet old) way of checking in on Foursquare, and a machine that might very well be our undoing.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Check into Foursquare by peeing:

    Does Siri get high?

    The creepy robot:

    Human LCD:

    Street View rolls down the High Line Park:

    The new Gmail:

    Google’s Ad Preferences Manager:

  • Matt Cutts Has Some Halloween Fun

    Matt Cutts Has Some Halloween Fun

    Matt Cutts posted a video today for Halloween. It’s not a webmaster help video though. It’s a video showing his Halloween costume.

    He says this is the product of him asking people on Google+ what he should be. He’s dressed as the stick man from xkcd:

    He also does a little singing and dancing.

    “A couple quick things: 1) I know the video is cheesy and lo-fi, but that’s what I was going for,” says Cutts on his personal blog. “2) With a little more time and more work on the video (e.g. better lighting, turning off automatic brightness on the video camera, a little more time spent on the greenscreen key) I think it could have been pretty great. But sometimes you run out of time, and October was a busy month.”

    In other non-SEO Matt Cutts news, he is also participating in Movember:

    Cutts, along with Bing’s Duane Forrester will grow moustaches for the cause.

  • Siri on iPhone 4 & An iPad Halloween Costume

    Today’s video round-up has a good mix of Halloween festivities and technology. More people, however, are probably interested in getting Siri on their iPhone 4.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    iPad 2 Halloween costume:

    Pumpkin explosion:

    Siri hacked onto iPhone 4:

    Google’s Halloween Doodle:

    Apple’s new iPhone 4S/iCloud TV spot:

    Kitchen knife nunchucks:

    The Kinect Effect (note the symphonic version of “Where is My Mind” playing in the background):

    Google Chrome Movember (this is why Matt Cutts is growing a Moustache):

    C3 Technologies (mapping company now owned by Apple):

  • YouTube Is About To Jump Into The Original Content Game

    The behemoth that is YouTube is about to grow even larger in its reach, as it looks like the Google property is getting into the business of original programming.

    The Wall Street Journal quotes sources familiar with the situation that say YouTube could announce the beginning of these content “channels” as early as next week.

    YouTube is apparently partnering up with InterActiveCorp’s Electus, News Corps, as well as CSI creator Anthony Zuiker. Even pro skateboarder Tony Hawk is said to be jumping on the YouTube programming wagon. YouTube is also joining with folks that already create content for the site for this initiative.

    YouTube is trying to become a next-generation cable provider overseeing dozens of free online “channels” with professional-grade shows, people familiar with the matter have said. Google is putting up more than $100 million in cash advances to get some of the content produced, these people said. The company will recoup the funds from advertising revenue it sells against the content, later splitting ad revenue with the partners, these people added.

    Going by that, Google is serious about trying to make YouTube a real competitor in the field.

    To aid the new original content, YouTube will be redesigned in order to promote it. The sources says that YouTube will be more “channel-centric,” promoting users to subscribe to channels based on the type of content or interests – this could include food, comedy, news, etc.

    If YouTube can create quality content with its new partners, it could be an important new revenue stream for the company. The question is, how comfortable will companies feel advertising on YouTube original content? It would probably depend on the initial success of the initiative, which would in turn depend on the quality of the new shows.

    Do you have high hopes for original content on YouTube? Let us know what you think.

  • Droid RAZR, Google+ & The Awesome Future

    Droid RAZR, Google+ & The Awesome Future

    Today’s video round-up kicks off with a pretty awesome look at how things could be. There’s also a set of videos about some new Google+ features that help Google’s social network stand out from the pack a little more, and a look at the Droid RAZR, which just became available for pre-order. But that’s not all…

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Productivity Future Vision. This is pretty awesome:

    New Google+ Features:

    WebProNews interviews C.C. Chapman about social media and content:

    Double iPad case:

    An early look at the Droid RAZR that became available for pre-order today:

    SoundCloud gets an iPad app:

    Introducing the SoundCloud iPad app from SoundCloud on Vimeo.

    The table jump fail:

    Google’s Australian Voice Search experiments:

  • The Best of Twitter TV & Mark Cuban Singing Purple Rain

    Twitter has become a big part of television watching for a lot of people. It’s certainly been big for a lot shows as well. Twitter has compiled a best of reel. Also Mark Cuban sings Purple Rain.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    The Best of Twitter TV:

    The Best of Twitter TV from TwitterHQ on Vimeo.

    Twitter tests a new Timeline:

    A pretty sweet zombie pumpkin:

    Mark Cuban sings Purple Rain:

    Mike Tyson quotes turned into an awesome song:

    Google’s Matt Cutts talks blocking Googlebot from crawling a dynamically generated calendar:

    Google parties at the Academy of Natural Sciences:

    Spherical flying machine:

  • Occupy Google, Siri Pours Beer & Giant LEGO Man Washes Ashore

    Today’s video round-up, as it often does, contains several Google-related pieces, including Matt Cutts talking about whether or not Google sees SEO as spam. No real surprises here, but always nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth. There’s also a nice mix of cool, funny, and creepy.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Matt Cutts talks Google’s view on SEO:

    Occupy Google (radio satire):

    Diablog III:

    Darren Rowse looks at Google Analytics Real Time Stats:

    The Nest Learning Thermostat:

    Get Siri to pour you a beer (via Revision3/GeekBeat.Tv):


    Conan does Siri:

    Any unicycle stunt is unbelievable as far as I’m concerned:

    Giant LEGO man washes ashore. Why not?

  • Steve Jobs, A Balloon-Based Input Device & Cops With Laser Guns

    Steve Jobs, A Balloon-Based Input Device & Cops With Laser Guns

    As usual, we’ve rounded up some interesting videos that are being shared around the web. The Steve Jobs biography was released today, and clearly there’s a lot of interest in that, so first, you can check out the 60 Minutes interview with the biographer first (if you haven’t already).

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Steve Jobs biographer goes on 60 Minutes:

    A balloon-based input device:

    The alternative to lethal force:

    Check out this crash test:

    I won’t even say anything about this. Just watch:

    Retro games with modern sound effects:

    A LeWeb Preview:

    Extreme flashlight:

  • Sesame Street, Education & The Internet

    There’s a lot of education going on in today’s video round-up. But of course, there’s a bit of humor, so if learning’s not your thing, but silly Hitler videos are, we’ve got you covered.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Old Sesame Street clip about computers:

    The “Coolest Project Ever”:

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Street Art:

    Scoble looks at Roamz, a local iPhone app:

    Adding task to Remember the Milk with Siri:

    “Bitter tweets”:

    Hitler finds out about Windows 8’s lack of a start menu:

  • Steve Jobs’ Last Day, A Siri Duet & William Shatner Does Queen

    We heard about the comments regarding Steve Jobs’ last day alive earlier this week, but here’s the video. But don’t stop there. The rest of them are worth watching as well.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Softbank CEO shares anecdote about Steve Jobs’ last day alive:

    Siri duet:


    Shatner does Queen:

    Google Street View goes train for Alps:

    Kevin Rose speaks at Web 2.0 Summit:

    Whales. Pretty awesome footage:

    Scoble looks at Lytro, which he calls a “revolutionary new imaging device”:

    WebProNews interviews Gabe Donnini, an analyst from Chitika about Google+:

    The new Gmail:

  • Facebook Creepiness, How Google’s Cars Work & iPhone History Animated

    Facebook Creepiness, How Google’s Cars Work & iPhone History Animated

    We’ve got an interesting mix of videos making the rounds today. They range from creepy and weird to just plain cool. I’ll let you decide which ones you think are the coolest (but seriously, how can it not be the quantum levitation?)

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    Take This Lollipop has some creepy Facebook fun. It’s more creepy if you actually allow the app to access your information.

    How Google’s Self-driving car works:

    An animated history of the iPhone:

    CNET UK Presents: History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs from Drew Stearne on Vimeo.

    This is just cool:

    WebProNews interviews VP of Corporate Development at GoAnimate, which makes it easier to make political animations:

    Funny Or Die Bill Clinton and celebrities video:

    Chrome experiment:

    Google video on using Google Analytics to find out where your customers are checking out: