Steve Jobs’ Last Day, A Siri Duet & William Shatner Does Queen

We heard about the comments regarding Steve Jobs’ last day alive earlier this week, but here’s the video. But don’t stop there. The rest of them are worth watching as well. View more...
Steve Jobs’ Last Day, A Siri Duet & William Shatner Does Queen
Written by Chris Crum

We heard about the comments regarding Steve Jobs’ last day alive earlier this week, but here’s the video. But don’t stop there. The rest of them are worth watching as well.

View more daily video round-ups here.

Softbank CEO shares anecdote about Steve Jobs’ last day alive:

Siri duet:


Shatner does Queen:

Google Street View goes train for Alps:

Kevin Rose speaks at Web 2.0 Summit:

Whales. Pretty awesome footage:

Scoble looks at Lytro, which he calls a “revolutionary new imaging device”:

WebProNews interviews Gabe Donnini, an analyst from Chitika about Google+:

The new Gmail:

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