Twitter is a wonderful place for one-liners. To be funny on the site, you’ve got to be sharp and practice economy of language. You’ve only got 140 characters to make an impression.
And what better way to wind-down the work day than with a selection of some of the day’s most entertaining tweets.
Today we learn what sport will take the place of professional basketball, find why charity can be a first world problem, and discover a fun fact about redheads.
Really interested to read what the Stop Online Piracy Act is all about. Anyone have a link to torrent it?
Mike Krzyzewski considers trading a couple of his wins for a vowel.
The Justine Bieber paternity suit was withdrawn but we still don’t know whose baby is in his uterus.
Fun Fact: Less than 3% of red haired people go through life without being bullied or killing a family member.
Stop yelling guys, this isn’t the movie theater.
If your parents are divorced, it was totally your fault. So way to go, shithead.
If there isn’t a cologne called “The 1%” on fragrance shelves by Thanksgiving, my faith in capitalism will be shattered.
My attitude towards my tattoos is the same as my parents’ toward their marriage. “Here we are, eating silently at Applebees yet again.”
Kinda bored. Might shake things up by believing in Santa again.
I would definitely read the Bible if it was a flipbook
Coach K is the best college basketball coach ever.
No Basketball Anymore. Time to shine, Quidditch!