
Sylvester Stallone: Family Faces More Tragedy

As Sylvester Stallone copes with the loss of his son, Sage, who was found dead at his home last month, the family is coping with yet another tragedy as his sister battles for her life in a California hospital.

48-year old Toni Ann Fillti, who is Stallone’s half-sister, is fighting stage 4 lung cancer. The disease has spread to her brain and liver, and Stallone’s mother, Jackie, says things aren’t looking good for her daughter. After so much recent loss, she’s hoping for a miracle to come help the family.

“She is conscious and responsive sometimes, but not really,” Jackie said. “What we need is a miracle. I still believe there are miracles, it is the only thing that keeps you going. I always think some miracle will happen, and she will wake up and this is all a bad dream. I want her with us until the last hour. She looks beautiful lying there. But her condition is critical.”


Stallone has been with his wife and daughters in France recently on holiday, grieving the loss of Sage, but he appeared briefly during a premiere of his film “Expendables 2”. Co-star Randy Couture said the stars of the film have missed him while doing press junkets and promotional events, but are thinking about him during such a difficult time.

“He is the leader of this group, both on-screen and off-screen. And so we miss him here,” Couture said. “But we understand. We’re parents. We have kids. We can’t really imagine what he’s going through now. But what do you say? … So we’re giving him space.”

Jackie Stallone says she would like to bring her daughter home and the family is exploring alternative treatments to ease her pain. For now, she is at the UCLA Medical Center.