
Subway Employees Instagram Penis on Bread, Frozen Pee in a Bottle

Two Subway employees who posted incredibly gross photos of themselves on Instagram have been terminated.

One photo shows an employee holding a bottle of frozen urine alongside the caption “Today at work I froze my pee.” And the other photo shows another employee putting his penis on an unbaked loaf of Subway bread. The photos have since been deleted, but luckily we have screenshots:

According to The Huffington Post, our footlong fondler claims that he would never do anything like this to actual bread that people were going to eat, and that he did this at home:

“I would never do that at work – it was at home,” he said. “This isn’t something I’d ever do at Subway. It was totally a joke.”

Nevertheless, Subway has responded to the situation in a Facebook comment:

“This isolated incident is not representative of SUBWAY Sandwich Artists. These actions are not tolerated and the store owner took immediate action to terminate the two employees involved,” they said.

Both the employee who froze his pee and the one who put his junk on the bread have been fired from their respective Subway restaurant.

You would think that people would understand that you can’t upload photos of you putting your dick on food and keep your job – but I guess some things are pretty hard to understand. At least we have a new gold standard for gross restaurant behavior. This incident well surpasses our KFC mashed potato-licker and our Taco Bell taco-licker of recent infamy.