
Stratfor Email Leaks Reveal U.S. Plans To Indict Wikileaks Founder

As you are all aware of by now, Wikileaks made a huge stink over the weekend by releasing 5GB of internal emails from Stratfor, a global intelligence company. Some of those emails concern Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange.

The Sydney Morning Herald, who secured the emails from Wikileaks, reports that there was a specific email that points to the U.S. wanting to bring charges against Assange. The email, sent by Stratfor VP of Intelligence Fred Burton, said that the company acquired “a sealed indictment on Assange.”

Burton would have access to such government files as he was the former deputy chief of the counter-terrorim division of the U.S. State Department’s diplomatic security service.

What’s even more interesting is that the last major release from Wikileaks spurred a lot of different opinions at Stratfor. One of them detailed an Australian Stratfor employee going by the name of Chris Farnham saying that Assange should have his Australian citizenship revoked for leaking Australian national interests.

What’s even more interesting is that Farnham says there’s nothing to the claims that Assange sexually assaulted two women in Sweden. He says that a close family friend knows one of the women involved in the case and they said that it’s just “prosecutors looking to make a name for themselves.”

Some people within Stratfor had a different outlook on the actions of Wikileaks. Stratfor’s Director of Analysis, Reva Bhalla, had this to say:

‘WikiLeaks itself may struggle to survive but the idea that’s put out there, that anyone with the bandwidth and servers to support such a system can act as a prime outlet of leaks. [People] are obsessed with this kind of stuff. The idea behind it won’t die.”

It remains to be seen if Stratfor still feels the same after they had internal emails leaked, but a statement from the company after the leaks was less than positive.

As more and more information emerges from The Global Intelligence Files, there are sure to be some really interesting stories. We’ll keep you updated on whatever comes out of all of this.