
Storage Wars Lawsuit: Is The Show A Big Fake?

Anyone who watches a fair amount of reality television will probably acknowledge that some shows–whether it’s small aspects or entire plot lines–have things charted out ahead of time; sometimes producers will ask the stars to repeat a line or do another “take” if it came out mumbled on camera.

But one man, a former star of the A&E show “Storage Wars”, says the entire thing is rigged, down to what can be found “hidden” beneath piles of trash inside storage units, and he’s filed a lawsuit against producers for wrongful termination, claiming they fired him when he dared to complain about the less-than-straightforward practices.

David Hester says the show has gone so far as to plant a mini BMW in a storage unit before, as well as old newspapers announcing the death of Elvis, in order to drum up viewer ratings. He also alleges that the show’s producers have paid for some of the stars to have plastic surgery to appear more pleasing in front of the camera.

Despite the allegations, a rep from A&E insists that there is no lawsuit in progress and emailed a statement about it to Fox News.

“We do not know about a lawsuit being filed and we do not comment on pending or threatened litigation,” the rep said.