
Steve Wozniak Gets His iPhone 4S Like The Rest Of Us

If you were in line Thursday evening or Friday morning at the Apple Store in Los Gatos, CA, you probably saw a familiar face in the crowd. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was first in line to get his new iPhone 4S, camping overnight for his chance to purchase the much-anticipated device.

Of course Steve Wozniak didn’t have to wait in line for an iPhone 4S – one call and he has one. But Woz enjoys the thrill of waiting like everyone else and the surprise of getting the new phone on opening day, at least according to him.

“Well, I actually have iPhones delivered to my house,” he said. “I’ve gotten so used to loving to wait in line, overnight – it has meaning. The product has meaning, it is so good, it’s an important part of our life. And this is just my way of recognizing it. I want to be a part of this direction, great products.”

And yes, he rode his Segway to the store.

He checked in yesterday evening, so it looks like he camped overnight –

The long wait begins. I’m first in line. The guy ahead was on the wrong side and he’s pissed. (@ Apple Store) http://t.co/16in6G0p 17 hours ago via foursquare · powered by @socialditto

The Woz is a big Foursquare user, in fact, all of his tweets are actually cross-postings of Foursquare check-ins. It was fitting that with his check-in to the Apple store on Thursday, Wozniak unlocked the “Jobs” badge on Foursquare. The “Jobs” badge is an achievement that the app gives you for 3 separate check-ins to Apple Stores.

I just unlocked the “Jobs” badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/UrU0b077 17 hours ago via foursquare · powered by @socialditto

Apparently, Wozniak used his time spent waiting to do a little work on his white iPad as well as talk to other Apple customers, take photographs, and sign Apple products.

Wozniak is no stranger to publicity (see Dancing with the Stars), and this type of things is a total media attention draw – but you’ve gotta think that there’s some truth to his statements about loving the experience.

Here are a couple of clips of Wozniak at the Apple Store, courtesy of CNN and TechCrunch –

Do you know anyone who stood in line for the iPhone 4S? Let us know in the comments.