
Steve Jobs Quotes Book Being Rushed To Publication

If you spent any time on Twitter or Facebook shortly after the death of Apple’s Steve Jobs, you probably saw that he was quite the quotable fellow. I know that my feeds were inundated with Jobs quotes for the better part of a week.

With the extra attention surrounding the Apple co-founder and ex-CEO due to his death and people’s desire for all things Jobs, especially quotes, the publishers of a new Jobs quotes book are rapidly moving up the release date.

The book is called I, Steve: Steve Jobs in His Own Words and is edited by George Beahm. According to CNET, the book is being pushed up so quickly that it will be available in stores by the end of October.

The book was originally set to come out next March, but was moved up to November 15th after Jobs’ resignation as Apple CEO. Its page on Amazon.com still lists the publication date as November 7th, but apparently it will hit the shelves even sooner than that.

Drawn from more than three decades of media coverage—print, electronic, and online—this tribute serves up the best, most thought-provoking insights ever spoken by Steve Jobs: more than 200 quotations that are essential reading for everyone who seeks innovative solutions and inspirations applicable to their business, regardless of size.

“The thing that really struck us is that right after Steve Jobs died, there was this phenomenal outpouring of emotion and interest in everything related to Steve Jobs, and not the least our book,” the book’s publisher Doug Seibold told CNET. “And what we’ve seen in this past three days is this phenomenal response from readers and booksellers to the book.”

His book is not the only Steve Jobs book that is already receiving a lot of buzz. The only official biography of Jobs, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, has moved up its publication date to October 24th. It was sitting at November 21st before Jobs’ death.

The rights to the book have even been snatched up by Sony Pictures for an upcoming film on his life.

What do you think about all of this upcoming Steve Jobs media? Will you read/watch any of it? All of it? Let us know in the comments.