
Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart Take On SOPA Blackouts


Comedy Central’s late night duo took notice of yesterday’s SOPA Blackouts, as Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert’s The Colbert Report both included SOPA-themed segments on Wednesday.

Colbert takes the stance that anything you need on the internet, he can provide. So what if reddit is blacked out? A certain photoshopped picture featuring a few of reddit’s favorite things will surely suffice.

Check out his take on the legislation below:

The Colbert Report

John Stewart, on the other hand, readily admits that he needs to do a little homework on SOPA and PIPA. He demonstrates this by looking up SOPA on Wikipedia only to find…well, you probably see where this is going:

Until recently, Colbert and Stewart had been less vocal about the topic than many on the internet desired. A top post on reddit about a week ago was from a redditor who said they attended a taping of The Daily Show and asked Jon Stewart to look into SOPA. On that night’s episode, he briefly mentioned the legislation at the beginning of the broadcast.

Driven by yesterday’s massive web protest, both Colbert and Stewart were basically compelled to devote large chunks of their shows to SOPA.

How do you think they did? Let us know in the comments.