
Startup Jobs Finder: Software, IT, Networking [Infographic]

No doubt startup jobs are the hot thing right now. In fact, in 2011 startup job posts increased by almost 25%. There were more than 500 executive level job advertised in those posts. Very impressive! So the questing you have to be asking yourself; where are these job?

This next infographic from startuphire.com provides you with the answer to that question along with a few fun facts about where these startups are happening and in what fields. If you’re a job seeker, you have to study this thing. It’s definitely not unheard of to relocate for more gainful employment these days.

California seems like the place to be if you want to get hired by a startup, but New York, Massachusetts, Washington, and Texas also seem to have a lot going on. Take a look at this graphic, you’ll be glad you did.

startup jobs,