Spotify Misses Deadline For HiFi Audio, Gives No Further Updates

Spotify has failed to deliver on its promise to roll out HiFi audio in 2021, and is offering no update on when users can expect it....
Spotify Misses Deadline For HiFi Audio, Gives No Further Updates
Written by Matt Milano

Spotify has failed to deliver on its promise to roll out HiFi audio in 2021, and is offering no update on when users can expect it.

Spotify announced in February that it planned on introducing CD-quality HiFi audio in 2021. Unfortunately for users counting on the feature, 2021 has come and gone with no HiFi update.

The company has posted an update on its community boards, but has failed to provide an updated timetable.

Hey folks,

We know that HiFi quality audio is important to you. We feel the same, and we’re excited to deliver a Spotify HiFi experience to Premium users in the future. But we don’t have timing details to share yet.

We will of course update you here when we can.

Take care.

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