
Spending on Rich Media and Social Ads for Mobile on the Rise

Millennial Media has released its latest S.M.A.R.T. (U.S. Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting) report on how the mobile web is increasing. This includes more users, longer sessions, advertisers targeting more campaigns, etc.

The report also indicates a significant increase in advertisers’ spend on rich media, and an increase in campaigns sending consumers to social media sites.

Millennial says its audience reach accounts for 82% of U.S. mobile Internet users. Here’s a chart with some noteworthy statistics from the report:

Millennial Media Stats on Mobile Ad Spend

Some other interesting stats from the report include:

– The US Mobile Web increased by approximately 3% from 73.2M users to 75.3M

– Average user time on the Mobile Web increased nearly one minute month-over-month, to 5:03 (min:sec) in May.

– Mobile Web represented over 77% of the Campaign Destination Mix (as opposed to App downloads)

– Advertisers increased their ad spend on Rich Media by 85% in May

– Campaigns sending consumers to multiple social media sites have grown 50% since Millennial began tracking the campaign action in January.

Find the entire report here. There is plenty more graphical information about telecom campaigns, campaign destinations, targeting, etc.