
South Park: The Stick Of Truth Gets A New Gameplay Trailer At VGX

South Park: The Stick of Truth was supposed to be out in stores by now as evidenced by the TV series airing its Black Friday trilogy as a tie-in. It didn’t make its original launch date of December 10, however, and is now scheduled to launch in early 2014. To make up for it, Ubisoft has released a new trailer for the title.

On Saturday night, Matt Stone and Trey Parker were at the VGX to announce the game of the year (Surprise: GTA V won) and to show off a new trailer for their game. While the latest trailer is nowhere near as funny or informative as past trailers, it does give us a peek at an early part of the game.

In the below gameplay trailer, you get to see Cartman training the player character in the art of ranged attacks. As per South Park’s usual humor, these ranged attacks take the form of catching a fart in one’s hand and throwing it at the enemy.

Check it out:

South Park: The Stick of Truth is scheduled to launch on March 4 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

[Image: gametrailers/YouTube]