President Obama delivered his third State of the Union address last night. Folks watched with smartphones and laptops at the ready, tweeting as they went.
That was the most one-sided debate I’ve ever seen.#SOTU
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) January 25, 2012
Undertaker Rep Eric Cantor looked like a angry little prince at #SOTU.Does he not really care about regular people in America?#wiunion
— Gal from Wisconsin (@AndersonLimey) January 25, 2012
#SOTU makes me feel like I really need to pay attention to who my congress/senators are. #youngandbroke
— Tricia (@TrySeeAh) January 25, 2012
“@UncredRewrite: Is Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the audience? I swear I keep hearing someone go “HOOOOO” #SOTU” HAHAHAHA
— gdanko (@gdanko) January 25, 2012
@shaneadams You’re not a grown-up until you get so bitter and cynical that you don’t even watch the SOTU any more. 😉
— BrianDau (@BrianDau) January 25, 2012
Dems are happy that for 70 minutes biden was unable to make a gaffe last nite. #p2b#tcot#SOTU#dailyobamajokes#GOP@Glockfan19@mh_liberal
— Ironman 1 (@Skycop1) January 25, 2012
It was awkward after the #SOTU address he forgot his mic was still on and said, “suckers! You think they bought that Joe?”
— David M. Harrington (@dcharrington) January 25, 2012
I must have a #SOTU hangover.
— Patrick G. Keenan (@PatrickGKeenan) January 25, 2012
Obama should’ve done a “State of Your Mind” address just 4 GOP.All they heard last night was “gay” “pay taxes” “troops” “pay taxes”#sotu
— Ali LeRoi (@mrleroi) January 25, 2012
hey #moneybags – #poorfolk dont want your cash. so dont let greed blind you from basic sense of fairness #sotu #buffetrule #thatisall
— Andoryu Worisu (@andoryuWorisu) January 25, 2012
Well after the SOTU address President Obama went Gangsta on Somalia terrorist and rescue two hostages .. Republicans are upset this morning.
— Larry D Boyd (@Cad57Boyd) January 25, 2012
Obama to Navy Seals: When I say “spilled milk” during my SOTU address, take those F’ers out. #Copy #DeadPirates #p2
— Michele (@haymakers) January 25, 2012
Surprised that speaker Boehner didn’t burst into tears yesterday. Thought that was in his job description!!#SOTU
— #butterflyeffect (@BtrflyEfectTwtr) January 25, 2012
Mitt pre-SOTU: we need a POTUS who doesn’t say things could be worse; Mitt post-SOTU: things aren’t going well in America. 24 hour flip.
— Kathy Sullivan (@july4coalition) January 25, 2012
I would be more inclined to believe Obama’s populist #SOTU if his record over the last three years wasn’t that of a moderate conservative.
— ianmac47 (@ianmac47) January 25, 2012
Watching the applause breaks for Pres. Obama during his #SOTU speech, Republicans were just sitting there stewing in their hate.
— Lil Ms. Everywhere (@hadiyah) January 25, 2012
HNIC!!!! “Head Negro In Charge” RT @tbillups1908: My president killed the SOTU address last night! I LOVE OBAMA!
— Mrs. Scales (@MochaLatte504) January 25, 2012
Good to see Gabby at SOTU last night: sad to see her go.
— Chris Lombardi (@CrisAintMarchin) January 25, 2012