
Sony Creates The Best PS4 Unboxing Video Imaginable

The unboxing video has now become somewhat of a tradition for new consoles. Before the new hardware officially launches, a higher up within the company will unbox the console and let you see what you’ll get day one with the hardware. These are usually pretty banal affairs, but Sony decided to kick it up a notch.

In the official PS4 unboxing video, Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida unboxes the PS4 on a set that was ripped straight out of an 80s sci-fi film. Yoshida himself is veiled in darkness until the end as viewers are treated to a mystery man complete with leather gloves handling each PS4 component as if he was handling gold bars from Ft. Knox.

As it is an unboxing video, we’re also treated to all the stuff you’ll get day one with the console. As previously noted, the box comes with a 500GB PS4, DualShock 4, HDMI cable, USB cable, mono headset and a PSN voucher worth $10.

Since it’s so much fun to compare, you can check out the official Xbox One unboxing video here and Wii U unboxing video here. Some may chide Sony for needlessly going all out with its unboxing video, but the Sony faithful are sure to appreciate the extra effort the company is putting into its marketing.

After being unveiled in February, the PS4 finally launches this Friday on November 15.

[Image: PlayStation/YouTube]