
Sonic And Shell Team Up For Tater Tots And Gasoline

Sonic and Shell have teamed up to bring customers an easy way to save time: order your food while you’re pumping your gas.

In a world where everyone is in a hurry and almost anything can be accessed at our fingertips in a matter of seconds by way of smartphones, saving time is essential. That’s why four Shell locations in Dallas, Texas decided to put Sonic kiosks right next to their gas pumps, saving customers the hassle of waiting in line at the drive-thru.

Of course, Sonic may seem to be an odd choice of restaurants to offer these services, since they are known as a throwback to the drive-in days, when carhops would come around to parked cars and deliver orders. But using old-fashioned techniques in an increasingly fast-paced world doesn’t always work out, and Sonic has seen their consumer’s needs evolve and adapted to them.

While many have commented that the pairing is “gross” or “sad”, it should be noted that fast food chains have been tag-teaming with gas stations for years now, sometimes two at a time if they are part of the KFC Yum! brand. Travelers find it handy to have gas and food in one place, and not just microwavable corn-dogs and bags of chips.

Image credit: Lauren Drewes Daniels