Social Network Star Busted With Pot Brownies

Armie Hammer, who played the Winklevii in “The Social Network”, was busted for possession of 3 pot cookies and a brownie in Texas back in November. No word yet on how the case is proceedin...
Social Network Star Busted With Pot Brownies
Written by Mike Tuttle

Armie Hammer, who played the Winklevii in “The Social Network”, was busted for possession of 3 pot cookies and a brownie in Texas back in November. No word yet on how the case is proceeding, and Hammer doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s hoping to get off with community service time only.

Hammer’s other roles has also appeared in “J. Edgar”, TV’s “Gossip Girl, and is slated to play The Lone Ranger in an upcoming film. In “The Social Network” he played a dual role as the Winklevoss twins, whose business relationship(s) with Mark Zuckerberg led to lawsuits and fights in the Facebook camp.

Hammer told TMZ, “Texas is one of those places where you don’t want to mess around, period.”

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