
Social Network User Activity Stats

office tech trends

Web design firm GO-gulf.com has compiled an infographic entitled “User Activity Comparison Of Popular Social Networking Sites,” which compares usage of the five most popular social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, and Pinterest.

social network usage infographic

Facebook, which is getting ready to file its IPO very soon, dominates all fields of the study, with 901 million users, who spend an average 405 minutes per month on the site. Each Facebook user is worth roughly $118, a number that will likely rise after the social network figures out how to better monetize its mobile app. Still, Mark Zuckerburg and Co. have recently pointed out that Facebook’s for mobile is the number one priority of 2012.

Coming in second in total user base is Twitter with 555 million users, who spend only 21 minutes per month tweeting. Twitter users are 57% female. This trend is also seen with Facebook and Pinterest, with a 60% and 68.2% female user base respectively. Regarding Google+ and Linkedin, the users are mostly male, at 63% and 55%.