
Why Are Social Games So Popular?

electronic devices

I’m what you might call the old guard in gaming. I come from a time where games were only played by nerdy kids with titles like Mega Man and The Legend of Zelda. This whole social gaming craze caught the gaming industry off guard. It’s these kind of moments that redefine how people perceive gaming.

The infographic today takes a look at why this new phenomena known as social gaming has become so popular. I don’t see the appeal in them, but I see everybody else seems to have fun with them. If you’re part of the old guard like me, this infographic should help you understand those that spend five hours on Facebook playing Farmville a little better.

After going through it, you may realize that we’re not so different. We play games for the same reason. We just play them differently. While the old guard is slicing away at dragons in Skyrim, the new guys and gals are playing a Scrabble clone with their friends. We’re both playing games, so why be at each other’s throats?

Infographic: Social Games on Facebook and <a href=Google+ What makes them so popular?” />

       Infographic:  Social Games on Facebook and Google+ What makes them so popular? created by Prism Online Casino