
SNL’s Djesus Uncrossed Sketch Prophesied by Reddit

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ICYMI, Saturday Night Live aired a nice little sketch over the weekend called “Djesus Uncrossed,” which featured host Christoph Waltz taking on the role of revengeful Jesus Christ and going on a killing rampage to right the many wrongs done to him. That means plenty of dead romans, a really dead Judas, and more.

Christoph Waltz, Jesus, Tarantino-like violence. What’s not to love? As they say in the skit, it’s being hailed as a less-violent version of Passion of the Christ.

Check it out if you missed it:

Well, apparently someone at reddit is a time traveller – a couple of people, actually. Either that or SNL writers like to read reddit. It’s up to you to decide what’s really going on here.

Users in a week-old comment thread discussing an article about Quentin Tarantino’s plans to make a third film in the “revenge” trilogy (Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained) laid out the premise of the SNL skit days before it ever aired.

The top comment states “Maybe he’ll do a Jesus movie. Actually a Jesus revenge movie makes the most sense. Mel gibson would have a role too.”

Three responses down, a user suggests the title “Djesus Uncrossed.”

Adding to the coincidence, another user suggested that “Christopher Waltz would have to be Jesus then.”

After the SNL episode aired, other redditors came back to discuss the fulfillment of the prophecy. Some suggested that SNL stole the idea from reddit.

Are these redditors prophets? Time-travellers? Do the SNL writers read reddit? Is this all just a coincidence?