
Skyrim Predicts Super Bowl, Johnny Cash Twins, & Osombie

A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, via social media, sharing sites, or good ‘ole email. Everyday we highlight some of the best that are currently viral and some that are trending that way.

Today’s videos feature a jackass on top of a rhino, a tear inducing Lord of the Rings medley, a dick sausage related blooper, and a despicably hilarious political ad.

It makes so much sense once you see the Skyrim prediction. How could of the Patriots have hoped to stop a gang of Giants?

Proof that Johnny Cash’s music transcends genre, age, race, and everything else. Everyone loves Johnny Cash, even 9 month olds.

I asked above if it was too soon for a Osama bin Laden zombie movie. If it’s going to be this horrifically awesome, I think the answer is – no it’s not too soon. WARNING: muscular men with their shirts off ahead.

You’ve never seen Bad Toys II?! Just a heads up, the entire movie is in french…but it really doesn’t matter.

BAD TOYS II from BAD TOYS II on Vimeo.

As amazing as the Lord of the Rings movies themselves. Hopefully we’ll get a trilogy.

Ugh, one of those videos I hate to post, but it is pretty funny. Would have been better if the rhino could have gotten out of the cage and attacked the cameraman.

Such a great idea for a YouTube video, and cyclists will feel giddy with love as they watch it.

Please, please, please keep all the ads rolling in you politicians; keep brightening my day. This ad is from Pete Hoekstra who is apparently telling potential voters that all of our spending has led to America owing this chinese lady riding her bike through a rural area a lot of money.

I’ve known about this video for awhile, but was apprehensive to post it. It’s the most dislikes I’ve ever seen for a video on YouTube though, so I thought it was deserving.

Proof that penis humor never gets old, no matter the age or gender.