
Siri Gets The Conan Treatment

Apple’s personal voice assistant for their new iPhone 4S has received a lot of attention, both regarding its actual real-life merits as well as the inherent fun of being able to ask your phone to do anything. Curious Siri users have discovered a variety of Easter eggs hidden inside the system, many of which will provide interesting answers to some pretty interesting questions.

For instance, we now definitively know that Siri gets pretty perturbed when you use coarse language with her and it quite unimpressed by your references to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

But Siri is the biggest draw for those looking to make the upgrade to the iPhone 4S. It’s the aspect of the new device that has generated the most buzz on the interwebs. And because Apple knows that, they used Siri as the focal point for their first TV ad for the 4S.

If you watched any TV this weekend, I’m sure you know the one I’m talking about – various iPhone users tap Siri to help with a multitude of problems like finding hospitals, searching for locksmiths and getting help with a flat tire.

Conan O’Brien has decided to put his spin on the new Siri-based Apple ad, and aired this clip on his late-night show. The premise? We all know how people are really using Siri.

Conan has a history of parodying certain elements of the Apple culture. Back in March, he showed us how Apple was getting cocky with the iPad 2, saying “You’ll buy it no matter what we say.”

And in June, he took aim at Apple’s Final Cut Pro X due to all of the negative reaction that it was getting on the web. In September, he took on that misplaced prototype that everyone thought might be the iPhone 5.