
Shellie Zimmerman To Rethink Marriage

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Shellie Zimmerman, who is the current wife of acquitted murder suspect George Zimmerman, has revealed that the couple’s relationship may soon be coming to an end. The news comes only one day after she took a plea deal in her own perjury case.

In an ABC News interview she was asked if she wanted to stay married to George, which she responded to with a vague “That’s something I’m going to have think about.” It is obvious that the legal strain on both parties, especially George and his place of infamy in the American consciousness, has taken its toll on their marriage.

Zimmerman also revealed some details about the couple’s life over the past year, saying that “We have been pretty much gypsies for past year and a half. We lived in a 20-foot trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone was going to find us and that it would be horrific.” She also revealed that the discontent goes back farther than that. She claims that she was not home on the night that her husband confronted slain teen Trayvon Martin because the two of them had had a fight.

Zimmerman’s perjury charge stemmed from her lying during her husband’s bail hearing in April of last year. The plea deal she agreed to will allow her to avoid a felony conviction, which would have kept her from registering to be a nurse, which she has nearly finished schooling for.

While public opinion on the Zimmerman family and their acquittals in the face of extremely serious charges is bound to differ, it appears that the trials, legal and otherwise, have brought them to a crossroads in their marriage.

[Image via Youtube News]