
Shailene Woodley Thinks Bugs Are Tasty and Will Be the Next Big Food Trend

Shailene Woodley has a rather odd idea of what constitutes a yummy meal. At least some might think so.

In Nylon‘s April 2015 cover article, Shailene Woodley revealed that she has quite the appetite for bugs and actually thinks it will be the next big food trend.

Yea, not so sure about that.

Shailene Woodley, 23, has a few other food preferences that might raise some eyebrows, including clay and bone broth, but the bug bonanza might be the strangest.

In a behind-the-scenes video, Shailene Woodley shared her favorite bugs.

“I’ve eaten ants and that was great,” said the Insurgent actress. “And June bugs, that was great. I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens.”

She certainly seems to have some affinity with insects because she said she would give just about anything to have the ability to fly.

“If I could,” Woodley mused, “I would grow a pair of wings and fly.”

It her credit, Shailene Woodley is very conscientious about the planet and we could all take some tips from her.

“Everyone could and should do a lot for the planet,” Woodley explained. “I think you should find one small thing that works for you and dedicate and commit to that one thing every single day.”

The Fault in Our Stars actress shared some simple things people could do that, when added up, have a huge impact.

“When you leave the house just unplug your toaster, coffee machine, your TV, which doesn’t need to be on all day.”

She added: “Don’t ask for a straw in a restaurant. Make it a goal not to drink out of plastic as much as possible. Turn the shower off when you’re washing your body and don’t waste the water. There are a lot of small things out there, you just find the one that works for you.”

And although Shailene Woodley works for the planet and women, she does not like to be called actress, environmentalist or feminist.

“The reason why I don’t like to say that I am a feminist or I am not a feminist is because to me it’s still a label,” she explained. “I do not want to be defined by one thing. Why do we have to have that label to divide us? We should all be able to embrace one another regardless of our belief system and regardless of the labels that we have put upon ourselves.”