
Shailene Woodley: 2014’s Best Haircut?

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Shailene Woodley had a phenomenal year as an actress. Between The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent, she became a household name. However it is Woodley’s hair that is making news as 2014 draws to a close. MTV reports she had the most important haircut of the whole year.

It was abundantly clear once Woodley was cast in the role of Hazel Lancaster in The Fault in Our Stars that her lengthy locks would have to go. Lancaster was, after all, a cancer patient. It was still a big event for the actress, whose tresses had been long for quite some time.

For weeks following her haircut, Shailene Woodley made front page celebrity news, as she sat in the hairdresser’s chair with tears gracing her cheeks. She emerged sporting a pageboy haircut that flattered her pretty face and fit the role.

Woodley went on to donate her shorn locks to an organization called Children With Hair Loss, and urged her cast mates to consider doing the same thing, too.

Since Divergent was filmed with Shailene Woodley sporting long hair, she feared she would have to wear a wig in the upcoming Insurgent. A conversation with her director resulted in the hairstyle being written in to the film, and no wig for Woodley.

Congratulations to Shailene Woodley for her stellar acting in 2014, and also for being named by MTV as having the best haircut of 2014.