
Sergey Brin Goes Full-on Google to Impress Turkey’s First Family


Google’s official Twitter account posted a couple of pictures yesterday featuring the visit of Turkish President Abdullah Gül and his wife to the company’s Mountain View, California, offices. Sergey Brin and company apparently weren’t satisfied with just letting the impressive presence of the Googleplex speak for itself, so they decided to dazzle Turkey’s First Family with a few of the more fascinating gadgets that Google’s been testing out this year.

The funnest ride Google has to offer, its driverless car, was brought out of the garage for the president’s visit. As you can see in the lead photo, Mr. Gül and his wife were taken for a drive in the self-driving car and appear to be enjoying themselves (although Mrs. Gül appears a little pensive). Google tweeted the photo with the description.

Sergey Brin, Turkish President Abdullah Gül & his wife in a self-driving car at the Googleplex http://t.co/c0zV8KHP
17 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Another tweet was posted that shows Brin, Turkey’s First Family, and some other (presumed) Googlers hanging around outside the car. Check out the photo attached to the tweet, paying special attention to the tall fellow’s laptop brandished with the sticker, “My other car car drives itself.” Clever, yeah?

Great to have Abdullah Gül, President of Turkey, stop by Google on his 1st official trip to the West Coast of America http://t.co/twCDhtfe
18 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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If you’ve been keeping up with the Google goings-on this year when it comes to fun and exciting gadgetry, you probably have noticed what’s becoming a familiar fixture sitting upon the face of Sergey Brin.

Sergey Brin Project GlassYes, it’s those Project Glass augmented reality glasses he’s been spotted running around in. Seriously, dude, when don’t you wear those out in public anymore? I thought the original pitch was that people wouldn’t wear them all the time? Stop rubbing this in our noses so often or else let us play with a pair of specs, too.