
Send That Facebook Douche to Defriendtion with New App

Jimmy Kimmel’s annual National Unfriend Day just occurred, so you may have already been giving your friend list a good once-over. But for those of you who think that unfriending is a little too drastic, no matter the offense, Defriendtion offers you the ability to toss your idiot Facebook friends into the spotlight of public ridicule.

“Whether a silly or inappropriate picture, a tweet, or a status update, everyone has friends or is associated with an entity who does questionable things both online and in-person — the “culinary snapper,” the “needless quoter,” the “unnecessary hash tagger,” etc. The only way to previously express disdain for these actions, however, was by writing something in the comment section of a post, or by retweeting with commentary,” says Defriendtion.

Well, not anymore. Now there’s an app for calling out people who make an ass of themselves on Facebook. It’s the next best thing to a dislike button, which we all know we’re never ever ever going to get.

The app is easy to use. All you have to do is choose the offending friend and then select their Facebook crime. The app offers some generic reasons such as “Because I disagree” and “Because this is ridiculous,” but it also lets you add your own reason for defriendtion. After that, you simply choose the amount of time they’ll spend in defriendtion and post some evidence (a photo, link, or quote).

Once you submit the form, the defriendtion slip will be posted to the offending friend’s Timeline, where it will show up on news feeds everywhere. You can even link it to Twitter to spread the shaming even more. I’m not sure if the app will catch on, but this promotional video is pretty damn funny, so there’s reason to hope:

When you sentence someone to defriendtion, a disclaimer reads that the service is “meant to be used in good fun” and advises users to refrain from “being a bully.” Despite this, I’m sure things could get pretty ugly. When it comes to public shaming, things usually do.

[via AllFacebook]