
Seinfeld Was A Show About Something; This Isn’t

Jerry Seinfeld built a career out of talking about what he famously calls “nothing”; the everyday, mundane observations about things that happen to a lot of people. He later built a very successful show based on nothing, although as the seasons went on, each episode became so full of little nothings that they formed a big something.

Confused yet?

Not to worry. Seinfeld, along with his comedian friends, has created another show that really is all about nothing. The web series features Seinfeld having coffee with a different one of his funny buddies each episode and going for drives around the city. Although the promo initially reminded me of one of those morning radio shows where the hosts find each other terribly funny and spend an hour laughing on air rather than talking about anything–which is one of the things I hate most on Earth–I adore Seinfeld and his partner in crime, Larry David, so I doubt the show will be as annoying as all that. Surely some hilarious nuggets will come through in these talks, no?

Seinfeld sits down with David on the show, as well as fellow Seinfeld alum Michael Richards and Alec Baldwin, among others. The web series premieres on July 19th at 9 p.m.