
Scroogled Petition Has 79K Signatures, Many Seem To Be Signing The Wrong Thing

Microsoft keeps on keeping on with this Scroogled thing. We’ve been alerted that there’s now an infographic to go along with it.

The company says its Scroogled petition has reached 78,000 signatures (It’s actually at over 79K). It’s unclear how many of those signatures are actually related to the “issue” at hand. I don’t have time to browse through that many signatures, but it didn’t take long to find quite a few that seem to be completely off topic.

The last time I checked, this campaign was about Gmail’s ads and privacy. Many of those who have lent their signatures seem to think it has something to do with animals – specifically elephants. Here are a few of the signatures that had comments that we found in a brief scan:

I care we shall care, long live the ancient beatiful smart Elephants and wild life.

A truly abhorrent and despicable act by an evil, person not fit to breath the same air as this beautiful animal who was treated in this way. My heart goes out to those who shared their lives with whiskey. Animals were given the gift if life by god and as such have just as much right to life. My prayers are with you , rest in peace Whiskey xx

We are animal lovers and issues of this kind should happen and the law should change their ancient rules and make these people liable for their actions

Animals are spirits, just as you and I. We are animals as well but what makes us beast are acts like this, independent of justice or not. Justice being granted or not depicts as if you are a beast or not. As a spirit of life, respect one another and serve justice for the life taken.

This is disgraceful. All animals have as much right to live safely as humans. Stop this now.

I beg you! listen to me and to many people, which is against killing animals! We are all plačim for them and pray that this was not!

Please help to the elephant, its terrible her situacion…

Please, treat this elephan with dignitiy, take it to a sanctuary to a worth living place. Thank you.

Some also appear to think it’s about something even completely different than that. Here’s another one:


Oh yeah, here’s that infographic:

Scroogled Infograhpic

Note that they actually went so far as to illustrate “the creepy line”.

They’ve also rehashed that Eric Schmidt quote that we debunked here again with a new shortened video focusing on that specifically: