
Scammers Target Facebook

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Security firm PandaLabs has reported the spread of scams hijacking the Facebook "Like" button.

The attacks use messages related to the popular game FarmVille, the "Sex and the City 2" movie or the keyword sex to get the attention of logged-in Facebook users as they browse Web pages with the "Like" button.

Luis-Corrons-PandaLabs Clicking the link brings the user to a Web page containing photos and videos of the relevant topic. Upon visiting it, a message is displayed on the user’s Facebook profile indicating that they "like" it, with a text that is not controlled by the user.

According to Luis Corrons, Technical Director of PandaLabs, "This distribution technique reminds us of computer worms, although this time there doesn’t seem to be any malware behind it (at least yet)."

Users are tricked into "liking" a page without realizing they are recommending it to all their Facebook friends.

"Cyber-criminals can make money just by tricking you into visiting a Web page with ads," Corrons said.

"Or worse still, they can spread malware and infect you. This possibility has not yet been exploited, but it would be relatively easy and effective to do it."