
Sarah Palin Ridicules Nancy Pelosi

We told you here previously about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s visit to a Border Patrol facility in Brownsville, Texas. Pelosi tossed some blame at House Speaker John Boehner for what she saw as the impending demise of any hope of immigration reform in the U.S. anytime soon.

“A few days ago I would have been more optimistic about comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi said. “I thought that we had been finding a way because we have been very patient and respectful of [House Majority Leader John Boehner] trying to do it one way or another.”

“I don’t think he gives us much reason to be hopeful now, but we never give up. There’s still the month of July,” she added.

Hot on the heels of that visit, Sarah Palin has weighed in on Pelosi’s headlines. She particularly takes umbrage with Pelosi’s statement that “every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect” because we are “all God’s children.”

Palin, invoking her authoritative stance as a “monkey’s uncle,” tied this statement in with Pelosi’s stance on abortion. On her Facebook page, she wrote:

How sincere is this politician’s concern? Never seen as a pro-child/pro-life advocate with respect for that sacred “spark of divinity” in every innocent human life in the womb, Ms. Pelosi often touts her Catholic faith but overlooks this doctrine her Church has preached for 2000 years. Hopefully she’s changed her tune on the issue of life – in which case, I’m sure she’ll invite those who understand the impact a culture of life can have on America to use her new, refreshing advocacy statement.

Her words yesterday are the foundational pro-life message that can educate those in her party who constantly claim to be “for the children” in one breath, but in their next breath advocate snuffing out the life of innocent children soon-to-be-born. Cynics (or those of us living in reality) recognize typical liberal hypocrisy here, but then again we can hope this is revelation of a profound Pelosi political conversion! Though I won’t hold my breath.

So far, no word from the Pelosi camp about a response to Sarah Palin.

Image via Sarah Palin Facebook