
Santorum’s “Google Problem” Cleared Up?

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The Daily Caller is reporting that presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s “Google-problem” might be a thing of the past. The candidate’s campaign website now outranks a blog designed to smear his good name. The blog was set up back in 2003, after sex columnist Dan Savage held a contest in his column to re-define Santorum’s name to something vile, as a form of protest against Santorum’s stances on gay political issues. It had consistently outranked the candidate’s website until now.

A digital consultant to the Santorum campaign, Peter Pasi, is quoted by The Daily Caller as saying, “The word Santorum is more relevant to Rick’s campaign.” Pasi equated this to Santorum being “a major player now.”

The article also mentions that Santorum has campaigned on the issue in a limited way, declaring himself a victim of Google’s liberal bias:

While the candidate’s website may have overtaken the Spreading Santorum blog, the top Google result is currently the wikipedia page about the Spreading Santorum Google-bomb campaign. Also, Google isn’t the only search engine around, and both Bing and Baidu still rank the Spreading Santorum blog higher. I’d say Santorum has a bit more work to do if he intends to fully cleanse his namesake.