
Samsung “Considering Google TVs”

Earlier this year, DisplaySearch put Samsung’s share of the global television market at 17.2 percent, and while that may not sound impressive, DisplaySearch also asserted that no company has ever reached the 20.0 percent mark.  It’s rather significant, then, that Samsung has Android TVs on the mind.

AndroidA Samsung executive who apparently preferred to remain anonymous told Jin Hyun-joo of the Korea Herald, "We are considering Google TVs.  We are examining the business feasibility of Google TVs."

Of course, that isn’t the same thing as an attributable quote verifying that Samsung will start shipping Android sets in the nth quarter of whatever year.  Still, since Panasonic ruled out the idea of pairing Android with its TVs last month, "considering Google TVs" counts for something.

What’s more, Kim Kyeong-hyun, a vice president at Samsung, was willing to go on the record and said that Google, along with Apple, "will help expand the TV market," which has to be a positive sign.

A hat tip goes to Paul Boutin, anyway, and we’ll keep an eye on the situation to see if Samsung gives Android the opportunity to invade everyone’s living rooms.