Russian Dash Cams Sometimes Capture the Good in Humanity, See?

Russia’s numerous highways and byways have a reputation of being full of crazy stuff. Much of the reputation is perpetuated by the omnipresent Russian dash cam, which seems to be attached to abo...
Russian Dash Cams Sometimes Capture the Good in Humanity, See?
Written by Josh Wolford

Russia’s numerous highways and byways have a reputation of being full of crazy stuff. Much of the reputation is perpetuated by the omnipresent Russian dash cam, which seems to be attached to about every single automobile in Russia. Search YouTube for Russian dash cam, you’ll see what I mean.

But it’s not all explosions, crashes and such on Russian roads. Good stuff is happening too, as this beautiful compilation proves. Sure, there’s still a lot of crazy stuff happening, even when we see a good samaritan helping out his fellow man – but this is better than most of those videos you’ve seen, right?

[ArkadiYM93 via reddit]

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